We're looking forward to continuing our "Voluntourism" adventure in Peru this April 15th through 24th. This amazing trip consists of 4 days exploring the rich culture and heritage of the Peruvian people with hiking, rafting and sightseeing. The final four days are working hands-on with our non-profit partner Coprodeli in areas such as Pachacutec (outside of Lima) doing such activities as outreach, helping locals with basic life needs, as well as teaching classes for the children at the Coprodeli schools.
For those of you interested in joining us this year, we only have 12 spots available per trip of which 8 are already full. Are you one of those remaining four adventurous and uplifting souls? If you'd like to know more about our trips, please feel free to read the blogs below from our trip last year or check out our website at www.boyanciwine.com under the "BE UPLIFTING" tab for the detailed itinerary from last year.
Hopefully we will see you there!
Be Uplifting,
Kevin Boyer