Thursday, July 2, 2009

If anyone knows poverty...

This summer, I, Erica Salinas, have the honor of being a Coprodeli USA graduate intern. When the chance arose to visit the actual work sites of Coprodeli Peru, I knew it was an opportunity that I could not pass up. In the USA office I read about microenterprises, schools, at-risk-youth outreach, health clinics and all these other non-profit buzzwords. It all sounds good, but every nonprofit’s mission sounds good. Having now walked through Pachacutec, visited the orphanages, seen the women and children waiting in line for flu shots, I can now say with absolute certainty that Coprodeli makes a difference.

Coprodeli is unique. It didn’t adopt a service (e.g. education or health), it adopted a community. The staff and volunteers know the people, understand their needs, feel their pain, and even live next door to them. Engineers have left the private sector to work for Coprodeli. They now design homes, not houses; plan communities, not impersonal cities.

I had the opportunity today to meet with Rafael, head of the incubusiness department of Coprodeli. With vibrant words, he described the energy and ingenuity of Coprodeli’s sponsored entreprenuers. He knew every hurdle they face to become government recognized businesses and shares their vision of a successful and sustainable industrial park in Pachacutec. The people of Pachacutec are inspired to do their best and Coprodeli enables their success.

As a graduate student, I frequently feel like I live in poverty as well. I look to my family for support and appreciate everything they do for me. On this trip, I had the pleasure of meeting the “family” that supports Coprodeli. BOYANCI co-founders Tom Steffanci and Kevin Boyer not only invigorate pallates with their wine, but energize the people of Pachacutec and Ica and in every community Coprodeli works. While I have donated my time, they have donated their hands, hearts, and profits. That’s hard to top. I am proud to be part of the Coprodeli family.

Erica Salinas
CSR Graduate Intern
Coprodeli USA

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