What a feeling to walk into a classroom full of kids and immediately notice a 9 year old girl’s stoic face. None the less it was a happy face, but one that had seen much more pain then it ever should have. Her name is Lizbeth. She is part of an after school program for "at risk" kids that Coprodeli runs out of their schools. These kids go to public school but come to Coprodeli centers before and after their regular public school day and Coprodeli teachers and volunteers (like us) teach classes, play and provide some counseling. The center we volunteered at yesterday was in an extremely poor area of Callao not far from the volunteer dorm where we are staying. All these sweet kids have a story, but Lizbeth's touched me most.
We split the 30 kids into two groups and my group of 3 volunteers explained the activity we had planned for the kids.
From the very beginning of our activity Lizbeth did not leave my side. Since she spoke no English and I no Hablo Esponal we conversed through a translator. Lizbeth slowly began to tell her story. She was alone, literally. Her dad passed away and her mom was no where to be found. I gathered that she might have some distant family who she gets to see once in a while. As she continued to decorate the picture frame we provided she continued with the her story. The entire time she had a big smile on her face. She has no other siblings to her knowledge. Lizbeth has been coming to this after school program for about 5 years. She is surprisingly social and obviously well liked by her fellow students.
She then began to ask about my life. Do I have any siblings? Kids? (After I answered no to the kids she asked about my boyfriend.) Where is my house? What I do? Asked about where my parents were? She asked if I have ever met President Obama. Why am I visiting here? She stops working on her frame to turn to me and give me a huge hug. I felt my heart swell and my eyes welled up. She asked why "I are you sad, do you not like my picture frame decoration?” God bless her, she does not ever realize how heart breaking her situation is.
Lizbeth is in charge of the school library and she gave me a tour. She keeps all the book shelves in perfect order. For those of you who know me, you can only imagine my further adoration for this girl! "Do you have a library?" Do you visit it?" She asked.
This was her life. She seemed content, then again she knows nothing else and more importantly has not much of a choice. This is a safe place for her. She looks adorable in her little navy blue v-neck sweater and skirt. Her hair is in a perfect pulled back pony tail.
Our activity involved taking individual photos of each child and then having the kids decorate the picture frames with markers, feathers and lots of other stuff. All the kids loved it! Most of these kids have never had a printed photo of their own sweet faces. I took 3 photos for Lizbeth: one by herself, one of her and me and one with Tom and me. She patiently waited as her photos printed. She put the one of the 3 of us into her frame. Her other two photos we put away into a little note book she had. Our three names went on the frames. The smile on her face never went away. She continued to ask questions......we played and each time I looked at her I teared up. Time to say goodbye came way too soon and all the kids ran up to give hugs and kisses to the volunteers. Lisbeth never left my side. As we were walking out she just stood there looking, certainly wondering and most importantly still smiling. She ran up to me one more time to give a last big hug, I held back my full cry as I know she did not understand and I did not want to upset her.....she has one more question....... CAN YOU STAY LONGER? I so wish I could have said yes.
We got into our cab and waved goodbye.....as we pulled away my tears flowed uncontrollably. I had no Kleenex which back home would have bothered me……….here my typical trivial worries did not register. All I could think about was this beautiful little girl, all alone in the world but still somehow able to smile through it all. She will stay in my thoughts for a long time to come. I have the Director’s email address so I can keep up with my dear Lizbeth.
Roma Obracaj
Oh my goodness sister. Tears is right. I'm totally depressed reading your blog and realize that my stresses mean nothing compared to someone like that little girl. I'm really proud of you and Tom and all the work you are doing out there. I miss you both and please stay safe. Love you!
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to comment. What's amazing about these kids is that they are at least as happy and optimistic as American kids despite only having a fraction of the comforts and security. I think these kids have helped us at least as much as we helped them. It is tough to describe so I hope you'll come see it with us next year. All the best.
Dear Tom and Roma:
ReplyDeleteHow humbling and heartbreaking! Just imagine the impact you and the others have on these childrens lives! What a blessing for them and a blessing for you to experience bringing joy to someones life. I reflect on our own kids who would need to be medicated if they did not have the internet or a X-Box 360 (name omitted in case he reads this). Certainly puts our lives and what we deem important in perspective and makes you appreciate the things we take for granted every day. Please let me know how I can help.
Hey you, thanks so much for taking the time to read the blog. We had an amazing trip. Perhaps I can get you to come next year to experience it for yourself. Hugs right back at you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a touching story. It certainly made me realize how fortunate most of us truley are compared to so many others in the world. While her story is sad, it must feel a little rewarding to know you two are having such a positive impact on all these children that will stay with them throughout their lives. Something they would not have if it weren't for your continued efforts. Thanks for sharing and God Bless!